
Gandhi Closeup Thousand Rupee Note

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Monumento de CuauhtemocMonument to native Mexican Aztec leader Cuauhtémoc in Veracruz, Mexico.

originally posted to Flickr by pacomexico at

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Mural Malcolm X - Ella Baker - Martin Luther King - Frederick Douglass

Mural on the wall of row houses in Philadelphia. The artist is Parris Stancell, sponsored by the Freedom School Mural Arts Program. Left to right; Malcolm Shabazz (Malcolm X), Ella Baker, Martin Luther King, Frederick Douglass.

originally posted to Flickr by Tony Fischer Photography at

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Nelson Mandela Mural in Portugal

Nelson Tavares, 24, works on a mural of former South African president Nelson Mandela which he painted during festivities in his neighborhood in Lisbon, Portugal, on June 20, 2013. (Reuters/Rafael Marchante)

Photo by Rafael Marchante, Published in The Atlantic, December 2013.


Victoria 1837 Engraving

Victoria of the United Kingdom on the morning of her Accession to the Throne, June 20, 1837. Engraving from 1886 book "True Stories of the Reign of Queen Victoria" by Cornelius Brown.

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